WOD - 02/21/2022

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

20 KB Pull Overs

20 Front Rack Openers


1:00 T-Spine Ext. Over Foam Roller

1:00 Hip 90-90s

1:30 Lizard Stretch (EL)

1:30 Banded Samson Stretch (EL)

1:00 Standing Banded Lat Stretch (EA)


E2MOM x 6

6 Strict Press : Climbing

C. 6 Strict Pull Ups

* First 3 with 3- 5s negatives down

S. 4 – 6 Strict Pull Ups

or Strict Pull Up Scales

Strict Press (E2MOM x 6 )

6 Reps Climbing to a Heavy Set o 6

Strict Pull Ups (E2MOM x 6 )

C. 6 Reps (first we with 3-5s negative)

S. 4 – 6 Reps


Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)

E2MOM Alt x 6

1. 15/12 Cal Row

12 Z-Press

Russian Twists

2. 15/12 Cal Bike

12 Renegade Rows (EA)

Max Hollow Rocks

* record the number of russian twists for 1/3/5

* record the number of hollow rocks for 2/4/6


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)


3 Minutes Work/ 1 Minute Rest x 4

C. 400m Run

8 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Max Bar Facing Burpees

S. 400m Run

8 Clean and Jerks (115/75)

Max Bar Facing Burpees

F.400m Run

8 Clean and Jerks (Weight of Choice)

Max Bar Facing Burpees