WOD - 04/21/2021

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

90s Min Banded Lat Stretch (Elbow in Band) (EA)

90s Banded Shoulder Distraction (EA)

30s Half Kneeling Wall Rotations (EA)

2 Min Double Chest Stretch


3 position Snatch (E90s x 8)

High Hang Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch + Snatch
* Climb

* Drop between Mid Hang and Snatch if needed


Metcon (8 Rounds for time)

E90s x 8 Alt

1. 30/20 Cal Machine

2. 20 KB Snatch (Alt by 5)


Metcon (Time)


For Time

2 Rounds

6 Squat Snatch

6 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

8 Power Snatch

8 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

10 OHS

10 Lateral Burpees (95/65)


For Time

2 Rounds

6 Squat Snatch

6 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

8 Power Snatch

8 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

10 OHS

10 Lateral Burpees (75/55)


For Time

2 Rounds

6 Hang Snatch

6 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

8 Power Snatch

8 Lateral Burpees

2 Rounds

10 OHS or Front Squats

10 Lateral Burpees

Ounces of Water (yesterday)

Ounces of water (AMRAP – Reps)

Record your total from yesterday!

Goal: 60-80 oz per day

Replacing your favorite sugary beverage with water is one of the easiest ways to decrease inflammation, prevent unwanted weight gain, and stave off chronic disease. Make this one small change to put yourself on a healthier path this month!

**Note: It is actually possible to drink too much water. Rapid excessive consumption can lead to low sodium levels which can be harmful. 60-80 oz per day is a good target range.