12th State CrossFit – CrossFit
Extra work outside of class, If you can get to the gym early, knock this out before class.
Front Squat (E3MOM x 5)
E3MOM x 5
3 Front Squats @ 85%
+ 3 Band Broad Jumps
Metcon (Time)
100 Wall Balls
100 Pull Ups
100 Wall Balls
100 Push Ups
100 Wall Balls
* Every time you break or switch Partners on Wall Balls : Both Partners Complete 10 Burpees
* Every time you break or switch Partners on Pull Ups or Push Ups : Both Partners Complete 10 Air Squats
* NO Burpees or Air Squats need to be completed if you are transistioning to the next movement
Sport: 80 of All Movements
Fitness: 60 of All Movements
Metcon (Time)
For Time
25 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
25 Wall Balls
5 Rounds
10 Pull Ups
10 Air Squats
25 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
25 Wall Balls
5 Rounds
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
25 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
25 Wall Balls
Sport: 20/10/20 for Wall Balls and Burpees
4 Rounds of Each Gymnastic Portion
Fitness: 15/10/15 for Wall Balls and Burpees
3 Rounds of Each Gymnastic Portion