WOD - 06/29/2022

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

10 Plate Halos (Ea Side)

20 KB Pullovers (Back on Bench)


1:30 Forearm Smash w/ BB

1:30 Bicep Smash w/ BB

1:30 Standing Banded Lat Stretch

1:00 Banded Internal Shoulder Mob.

1:30 Happy Baby

2:00 Childs Pose – Walk Fingers from Side to Side


Bench Press (E2MOM x 5 )

10 – 8 – 6 – 4- 2

* Climb to a heavy Double

* Start bout 5 lbs Heavier than you did last week and climb 5lbs Heavier


Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 10 Alt

1. 6 Banded Push Ups + Max Russian Twists

2. 12 Banded Face Pulls + Max Bar Hang

Russian Twists = Over and Back is One Rep

Every 5s = 1 Rep on Bar Hang


Grip and Go (Time)


400m Run

30 C2B Pull Ups

2 Rounds of DT (155/105)

100m Farmers Carry (70s/55s)

2 Rounds of DT

30 C2B Pull Ups

400m Run


400m Run

30 Pull Ups

2 Rounds of DT (135/95)

100m Farmers Carry (55s/35s)

2 Rounds of DT

30 Pull Ups

400m Run


400m Run

30 Ring Rows

2 Rounds of DT

100m Farmers Carry

2 Rounds of DT

30 Ring Rows

400m Run
DT = 12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Push Jerks