WOD - 11/13/2021

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)


For Time:

100 Cal Machine

100 DB OH Walking Lunges: Partner Holds Wall Sit

80 Cal Machine

80 DB Hang Clean and Jerk : Partner Holds DB in OH Postion

60 Cal Machine

60 T2B: Partner Hangs

40 Cal Machine

40 Push Ups: Partner Holds Plank

20 Cal Machine

20 Bar Muscle Ups: Partner Hangs

* All DB Movements with 1 DB

C: (50/35)

S. C2B Pull Ups (40/25)

F. Hanging Knee Raises, Pull Ups or Ring Rows

* F/F Teams 80/60/40/20/10 Calories

Metcon (Time)


For Time:

60 Cal Machine

60 DB OH Walking Lunges

50 Cal Machine

50 DB Hang Clean and Jerk

40 Cal Machine

40 T2B

30 Cal Machine

30 Push Ups

20 Cal Machine

20 Bar Muscle Ups

* All DB Movements with 1 DB

C: (50/35)

S. C2B Pull Ups (40/25)

F. Hanging Knee Raises, Pull Ups or Ring Rows

* Solo Females

* 50/40/30/20/10 Calories