12th State CrossFit – CrossFit
2 Rounds
10 KB Halos
10 KB Pull Overs on Bench
1:00 Banded Rhomboid Stretch
1:00 Single Arm Lat Stretch
1:00 Double Chest Stretch
2:00 T-Spine Ext. On Foam Roller
Snatch Complex
E90s x 10 Alt
1. 3 Snatch Hang Pulls from Hang Position + 1 Hang Snatch
2. 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch
* Add Weight After 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
E3MOM x 4
500m/400m Row
Max Plate G2OH Rounds 1/3
Max Burpee to Plate Rounds 2/4
EMOM Metcon
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 12:
1. 12 Heavy DB Snatch
2. 12 – 18 Pull Ups
3. 17/15 Cal Machine
EMOM 12:
1. 12 Heavy DB Snatch
2. 10 – 15 Pull Ups
3. 15/12 Cal Machine
EMOM 12:
1. 12 Heavy DB Snatch
2. 10 – 15 Pull Up Scales
3. 15/12 Cal Machine
Next Level
Sots Press
5 x 5
Build in weight if possible
Snatch Grip Push Jerk (Weight)
5 x 2
Build to Heavy Double