WOD - CrossFit – Sat, May 13

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

Partner Metcon

Metcon (Time)


P1: 300/260 Cal Machine

P2: Starts on Chipper

60 Bar Facing Burpees

600m Run

60 Thrusters (C. 95/65) (S. 75/55) (F. Weight of Choice)

600m Run

60 Toes 2 Rings

* Break up Calories and Chipper as Needed

* Workout is complete when all reps are completed on both the machine and the chipper

* Male/Female partner team completes 280 Cals on machine

Solo Metcon

Metcon (Time)



30 Toes to Rings


300m Run


30 Thrusters (C. 95/65) (S. 75/55) (F. Weight of Choice)


300m Run


30 Bar Facing Burpees


****= 25/20 Calorie Machine

Next Level

Metcon (Weight)

Next Level

400m Farmers Carry

200m Front Rack Carry

100m OH Carry

* use the same weight for all movements

* Compare to 12/10/2022