WOD - CrossFit – Wed, May 31

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit


2:00 Banded Internal/External Hip Opener

1:00 Banded Frog Stretch

1:00 Banded Lat Stretch

1:00 Seated Knee Hug

1:00 Pigeon Pose

1:00 Prone Rhomboid Stretch


Power Clean Max + Death By

Power Clean (0:00-8:00)

8 Minutes to Find A Power Clean Max

Rest 2:00


Metcon (Calories)


1. Max Calorie Row

2. Max Calorie Bike

* keep a running total on both machines

* score is total calories over 8 minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Death By (2 Rounds for reps)

Comp/ Sport

Death by Power Clean @ 65% 1 RM

Upon Exiting

Complete AMRAP w/ Remaining Time

200m Run

4 Power Cleans (Subtract 30/20lbs off 65%)

16 BW Step Ups

32 Double Unders


Death By Power Clean @ Challenging Weight of Choice

Upon Exiting

Complete AMRAP w/ Remaining Time

200m Run

4 Power Cleans

16 BW Step Ups

64 Single Unders

Death By Power Clean = EMOM

1 Power Clean on Minute 1

2 Power Cleans on Minute 2

3 Power Cleans on Minute 3

* continue until you cannot complete the corresponding cleans within the minute