12th State CrossFit – CrossFit
2 Rounds
10 Lu Raise + 8 Ys + 6 Row W Press
15 Tib Raises w/ Pause
12 SL Calf Raise(Heel off of plate)
1:00 Sleeper Stretch
1:30 Double Chest Stretch on Rig
1:30 Banded Ankle Mob.
1:00 Down Dog Calf March
Snatch (Snatch Waves)
E90s x 10
75, 80, 85
80, 85, 90
85, 90, 95, 95+
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
E3MOM x 4 Alt
1. 500/400m Row + Max Devils Press
2. 500/400m Row + Max DB Plank Pull Throughs
Metcon (Weight)
Comp and Sport
EMOM 12:
1. 450ft Shuttles
2. 2 Squat Snatch @ 80 – 85% 1 RM
EMOM 12:
1.300ft Shuttles
2. 2 Power Snatch + 2 OHS
Next Level
Sots Press (5×5 )
*Climb if Possible
Snatch Balance (Build to Heavy Single)
Push Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)
Max Set of Push Gymnastics
*Choose One Exercise For Max Set
1) Kipping HSPU
2) Strict HSPU
3) Dips
4) Handstand Walk
Rest 5 Minutes
Complete 50 – 60% of Max for 5 Sets of Quality
* Rest as needed Between Sets