WOD - 03/05/2022

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

Buy in: 60 Sit Ups Each

12 Rounds (ABA Style)

8 Thrusters (95/65)

40 Double Unders

8 C2B Pull Ups

Cash Out: 60 Sit Ups Each

Sport: (ABA), (75/55), 30 Double Unders, Pull Ups

Fitness: Weight of Choice, 60 Single Unders, Ring Rows

Metcon (Time)

Buy In: 60 Sit Ups


6 Rounds

8 Thrusters

40 Double Unders

8 C2B Pull Ups

Cash Out: 60 Sit Ups

Sport: (75/55), 30 Double Unders, Pull Ups

Fitness: Weight of Choice, 60 Single Unders, Ring Rows