, 05/03/2021 - 12th State Crossfit

WOD - 05/03/2021

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

90s Prone Lat Stretch (Floor or Box)

30s Half Kneeling Wall Rotations (EA)

2 Min Double Chest Stretch

30s Prone Swimmers

90s Hamstring Stretch EL (Banded or Box)


Comp: E2MOM Deadlifts and Strict HSPU

Sport: E2MOM Deadlifts and Strict Pull Ups

Deadlift (E2MOM x 6 )

5 Reps @ 70 – 75% of 1RM

Strict HSPU (E2MOM x 6 )

5 – 8 Reps

Strict Pull Ups (E2MOM x 6 )

5 – 8 Pull Ups (Weighted if Possible) (Pull Up Scales if Needed)


Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)

E2MOM x 6 Alt

15/12 Cal Machine

1. 10 – 15 HR Push Ups

2. 5 – 8 Pull up Progressions


Metcon (Time)


4 Rounds

15 Box Jumps

15 C2B Pull Ups

5 Power Cleans (155/105)


4 Rounds

15 Box Jumps

10 Pull Ups

5 Power Cleans (135/85)


4 Rounds

15 Box Step Ups

10 Jumping Pull Ups

5 Power Cleans