12th State CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For Time
1k Row or 2k Bike – * Both at Same Time*
60 Deadlifts
120 Sit ups
240 Double Unders
750 Row or 1,500 Bike – * Both at Same Time*
10 Rounds (ABA Style)
24 Double Unders
12 Sit Ups
6 Deadlilfts
500 Row or 1k Bike * Both at Same Time*
C. (225/155)
S. (185/135)
F. Weight of Choice
Metcon (Time)
For Time
1 K Row or 2k Bike
30 Deadlifts
60 Sit Ups
120 Double Unders
750 Row or 1,500 Bike
5 Rounds
24 Double Unders
12 Sit Ups
6 Deadlifts
500 Row or 1k Bike
C. (225/155)
S. (185/135)
F. Weight of Choice