WOD - 10/28/2020

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)


Death By Clean and Jerk

upon failing

200m Run

5 Power Cleans

10 Burpees

* Round 1 Is number of you get in death by

* Round 2 is number you get in AMRAP

C. 155/105

S. 135/85

F. 115/75

Home WOD

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

In a 25 Minute Window

Death By Hang DB/KB Cluster

Min 1. 1 DB/kB Hang Cluster Each Arm

Min 2. 2 Each Arm

Min 3. 3 Each Arm

…… upon failing to complete reps inside minute

AMRAP Remaining Time

45 Jumping Jacks or 200m Run

30 Sit Ups

10 Burpees

* Round 1 is how you far you get in the death by

* Round 2 is how far you get in the AMRAP