Do what you like!
When you are at home and/or on the road traveling is not the time to do something that you dislike! If you despise the burpee, do not force yourself to do a 10 min AMRAP of burpees. Pick something you really like! If you like running, go on a run… if you like swimming, find a pool…. if you like doing curls and shoulder presses…. find some dumbbells at the Hotel GYM!!
Why is this? You are more likely to take yourself into working out if you pick something you enjoy and you are looking forward to complete.
Find a gym BEFORE you get in town!
If you are definitely going to head to a gym, find, contact and schedule your session before you leave town! If you go through the trouble of planning out your training session, you already know: 1) you have scheduled out time for it 2) you know how you are going to get there 3) you have already signed up and committed to a class.
When you do this…. it will take away most of your excuses when you travel! The “I don’t have time… I could not find a gym … I did not have transportation” excuses are all gone!
Go to WODs:
WOD 1:
100 Db Thrusters For Time:
*You choose the weight (make sure you can do 15-20 UB)
** Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) do 5 burpees
WOD 2:
50 Man Makers For Time:
*Choose a challenging weight here (something 5-10 pounds heavier than the WOD above)
*1 man maker = 1 push up (on DB) + 1 Left arm row (with DB) + 1 push up + 1 Right arm row + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Thruster…yes that is ONE REP!
WOD 3:
4:00 Max Effort Burpees
3:00 Max Effort Sit ups
2:00 Max Effort Squats
1:00 Max Effort Push Ups
1:00 Rest
Then For Time:
Match all above numbers from above max effort intervals “For Time”
I.e: If your score was 50 Burpees, 60 Sit Ups, 60 Squats, 30 Push Ups… You will complete all of that in order, for time, until completion.
WOD 4:
- Burpees
- Sit ups
- Squats
- Push Ups
- Jumping Lunges
*Tabata = 8 rounds of :20 work/ :10 rest, on each movement and then move to the next movement.
**You can “TABATA” almost anything when you are in a pinch for time and need to get a quick sweat in!
WOD 5:
If you do any of the following workouts on the road or at home, TAG US on FB/Instagram/Twitter at:
Facebook: 12th State CrossFit
@12thStateCF #12thStateTough #ThreeTieredFitness
Here are some more workouts that can easily be done at home or even on the road!
- 3 Rounds For Time: Run 800m 50 Air Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups 10 Sit ups 10 Squats
- For Time: 200 Air Squats
- 5 Rounds For Time: Run 200m 10 Squats 10 Push Ups
- 3 Rounds For Time: Run 200m 25 Pushups
- 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Handstand Pushups Run 200m
- 20 Rounds For Time: 5 Pushups 5 Squats 5 Situps
- Walk 100m on your hands
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sets of sit-ups and a 100 meter sprint between each set
- 21-15-9 Air Squats Pushups
- Spend a total of 5 minutes in a handstand
- For Time: Run 1 mile
- 6 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups 10 Air Squats 10 Sit Ups
- 5 Rounds For Time: 3 Tuck Jumps 3 Squats 3 Broad Jumps
- 8 Rounds For Time: Handstand 30 seconds 10 Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups Run 100MRun
- For Time: Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps every minute
- 5 Rounds for Time: Run 400m sprints,
- 10 Rounds for Time: 100m sprints
- 25 pressing snatch balances each arm. No weight.
- Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps every 1 minute.
- 10 handstand jackknife to vertical jump, 10 handstand jackknife to tuck jump, 10 handstand jackknife to straddle jump
- 5 Rounds For Time: Handstand 30 seconds 20 Air Squats
- 4 Rounds for Time: 25 Jumping Squats
- For Time: 250 Air Squats
- 4 Rounds For Time: 10 Tuck Jumps 10 Pushups 10 Situps
- For Time: 100 Burpees
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups 10 Squats 10 Tuck Jumps
- 5 Rounds For Time: Handstand 1 minute Hold bottom of the squat 1 minute
- 10 Rounds For Time: Sprint 100m Walk 100m
- For Time: 100 Pushups
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds For Time: Burpees and Situps
- 3 Rounds: 50 Situps Run 400m
- “L” sit off the floor. 10 rounds of 10 seconds…if you can’t do it sit with your legs straight out and try to lift your heels of the ground for 10 seconds instead
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Walking Lunges 10 Pushups
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Burpees Run 100m
- 4 Rounds For Time: Run 400m 50 Air Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups 10 Squats
- Tabata Squats: 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.
- For Time: Run 800m 100 Air Squats Run 800m
- 4 Rounds For Time: Run 400 meters, 50 air squats
- 10 Rounds: Handstand 30 seconds, to Squat hold 30 seconds
- 5 Rounds For Time: Ten vertical jumps ( jump as high as you can, land and do it again), 10 push-ups
- 7 Rounds For Time: 7 Air Squats 7 Burpees
- 5 Rounds For Time: 50 Air Squats Rest the amount of time it took to complete the 50
- For Time: Run 1 mile — do 10 Pushups every minute
- 8 Rounds For Time: Run 100m 30 Air Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Situps 10 Burpees
- For Time: 250 Jumping Jacks
- For Time: 100 Jumping Jacks 75 Air Squats 50 Pushups 25 Burpees
- 5 Rounds For Time: Run 1 minute Squat 1 minute
- 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Air Squats 10 Pushups 10 Situps
- For Time: 50 Air Squats Rest for 2 minutes between rounds.
- 3 Rounds For Time: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Burpees 20 Air Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: Run 100m 20 Air Squats
- For Time: 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats
- 10 Rounds For Time: 10 push-ups, 10 squats
- 3 Rounds For Time: 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats
- 30 Reps: Handstand to Jack-Knife to vertical jump
- AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Pushups 10 Situps 15 Squats
- 21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time: Walking Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups
- 3 Rounds for Time: Run 400m 50 Squats 25 Pushups
- For Time: Run 1000m 100 Air Squats 50 Pushups
- Squats for time (pick a number between 100-500)
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time: Burpees Pushups Situps
- AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Handstand push-ups 10 Pistols
- “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Rep Rounds for Time: Double-Unders Sit-ups
- For Time: Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint
- 50-40-30-20-10 Rep Rounds for Time: Single Unders Pushups
- 5 Rounds For Time: Burpee to the push up position, do 10 push ups, Burpee out.
- For Time: Burpees (50-150 – pick a number and go for it!)
- For Time: Run 800m, 50 Squats, 50 Situps
- For Time: Run 1 mile 100 Push-ups 200 Squats Run 1 mile
- 21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time: Handstand Push-ups Chair Dips Push-Ups
- For Time: 21 Pushups 42 Squats 15 Pushups 30 Squats 9 Pushups 18 Squats
- For Time: 400m Walking Lunges
- For Time: Run 1 mile, 50 Squats
- 10 Rounds: Plebs plank, bottom of squat, hollow rock hold, 30 seconds each
- 10 Rounds: 5 push ups with a 30 second plebs plank(a hold at the top of the push up, arms extended and body tight). After the 10 rounds, 3x 100m dash @ 80%.
- Handstand practice, 25 tries at free handstands, then a 1 mile run at 80%
- 25 Reps: Handstand 10 seconds jack-knife to vertical jump.
- For Time: Run 400 meters 50 Squats Run 400 meters 50 Push-ups Run 400 meters 50 Sit-ups Run 400 meters
- Mime 4x 25 sumo deadlift high pulls, make them perfect.
- 50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50.
- For Time: 80-60-40-20 Reps of Air Squats 40-30-20-10 Reps of Situps 20-15-10-5 of Handstand Pushups
- Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute
- For TIme: 250 Jumping Jacks
- 5 Rounds: 30 second handstand against a wall, followed by a 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat
- For Time: 50 Walking Lunges 800m run 50 Walking Lunges
- For Time: 30 Handstand Pushups 40 Jump squats 50 Situps 60 Squats 70 Double unders
- AMRAP in 20 minutes: 10 Bench dips 10 Box jumps 10 Walking Lunges
- For Time: 60 Pushups Run 400m 40 Pushups Run 800m 20 Pushups Run 1 mile
- 5 Rounds For Time: 100 Single Unders 50 Squats
- For Time: 150 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
- “Nicole” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: Run 400, Max rep pull ups
- For Time: 100 Air Squats 75 Situps 50 Box Jumps 25 KTE’s Run 400m
- “Michael” 3 rounds for time of: Run 800m 50 Back Extensions 50 Situps
- For Time: 2 Minutes Double Unders 2 Minutes Situps Rest 1 min 90 sec Double Unders 90 sec Situps Rest 1 min 60 sec Double Unders 60 sec Situps
- For Time: 100 Air Squats 75 Situps 50 Box Jumps 25 KTE’s Run 400m
- 5 Rounds: Run 1 minute, squat 1 minute
- 5 Rounds For Time: 10 push-ups, 10 hollow rocks, run 200 meters
- 3 Rounds for Time: 10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups
- 10 Rounds: Sprint 50 meters, 10 push ups
- 3x 20 tuck jumps. 3x 30 second handstands.
- Handstand 5x 30 seconds. Run: 2x 800 meters for time. Do the handstands first. Rest and recover and do the runs with a rest in between that is as long as it took you to run your first 800.
- Run with high knees for 15 seconds and drop into a pushup, get back up and run with high knees again for 15 seconds…….repeat 5x. This is 1 round. Rest. Do 3 more rounds.
- Test yourself on a max set of push ups
- For Form, 3 Rounds: 5 handstand to jacknife to high jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to tuck jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to split jump
- 5 Rounds for Time: Run up Hill (230m long, 22m rise, 9 degree incline), 5 push ups, Run down Hill, 5 push ups
- 4 Rounds for TIme: 20 pull ups, 20 push ups
- For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:push up, jumping squat
- Do Tabata Squats with eyes closed
- Bottom to bottom Tabata Squats ( rest at the bottom of the squat instead of standing….without support on your hands or butt and make the bottom good, straight back, butt back)
- Burpee/ Sit ups Ladder: Do 10 burpees ….Go to opposite side of room……do 2 Sit ups. Return to original side do 9 burpees……Go to opposite side of room……do 4 Sit ups. Decrease Burpees by 1 and increase Sit Ups by 2. Work your way down to one Burpee and up to 20 Sit up
- 3 Burpees, 6 supermans, 9 Situps – AMRAP in 10 min
- 100 Unbroken double unders
- 20 sec of mountain climbers, 20 sec of squats, 20 sec of rest – 5 Rounds
- 2 minute max push ups,1 minute break, 2 minutes max sit ups, 1 minute break, 2 minute max squats
- Run 5 minutes turn around and go back in less than 5 minutes (a negative split)