WOD - 06/04/2022

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)


For Time

20 Tire Flips

40 Burpees Over Partner: Partner Holding Plank

400m Run w Med Ball

100 Med Ball Cleans

400m Run w Med Ball

40 Burpees Over Partner: Partner Holding Plank

20 Tire Flips

* Split Reps as Needed

* Both Partners Run : Only one has to carry the Med Ball : Switch when needed

Metcon (Time)


For Time

10 Tire Flips

20 Burpees Over Bench

400m Run w Med Ball

50 Med Ball Cleans

400m Run w Med Ball

20 Burpees Over Bench

10 Tire Flips

* 400m Run by way of 2 x 200. 200 with Med Ball and 200 without Med Ball