WOD - 08/31/2021

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Min Barbell Trap Smash (EA)

2 Min Double Chest Stretch

90s Banded Samson Stretch

90s Banded Hamstring Distraction


Metcon (8 Rounds for reps)


3 Min Work 1 Min Rest : Alternate x 8

4 Rounds of Each

1) 15 HSPU + 30 DB Snatch + Max Double Uders

2) 15 C2B + 10 DB Thrusters + Max Cal Machine

C. 50/35


3 Min Work 1 Min Rest : Alternate x 8

4 Rounds of Each

1) 10 HSPU + 30 DB Snatch + Max Double Uders

2) 10 C2B + 10 DB Thrusters + Max Cal Machine

S. 40/25


3 Min Work 1 Min Rest : Alternate x 8

4 Rounds of Each

1) 15 Z-Press + 30 DB Snatch + Max Single Uders

2) 10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows + 10 DB Thrusters + Max Cal Machine


Front Squat (10 x 3)

10 Sets of 3 Reps @ 80% 1 RM