12th State CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
* Teams of 3*
P1. 600m Run, 750 Row or 1,500m Bike
P2. AMRAP #1
10 Burpees
20 Revere Lunges
40 Double Unders or 80 Single Unders
P3. AMRAP #2
4 Devils Press
8 DB Squats
16 Sit Ups
* You choose db weight
* Rotate off P1 finishing the Run, Bike or Row
* P1 rotates to AMRAP #1, P2 Rotates to AMRAP #2 and P3 Rotates to Run, Bike or Row
* Score is total reps. Run bike and row counts as 1 Rep