WOD - CrossFit – Fri, Oct 21

12th State CrossFit – CrossFit


2 Rounds

15 KB Pull Overs on Bench

5 Jefferson Curls (Light)


1:30 Banded Internal Shoulder Mob.

1:30 Banded Lat Stretch

1:30 Banded Tricep Stretch (Low Rig Attachment)

1:30 Banded Pigeon Pose

1:30 Banded Samson Stretch


Sumo Deadlift (3 reps E2MOM x 6)

*Climb to Heavy Triple

*Reset Hips Each Rep


Metcon (Weight)

EMOM 12:

1. 12/10 Cal Bike

2 .12 Seated DB Good Morning

3. 16 Alt DB Row

* Alternate at the top of the movement

* UseĀ 2 DBs For Both DB Movements


Sand Trap (3 Rounds for time)

0 – 7

21- 15- 9


Box Jump Over

7 – 14

1 K Row for Time

14 – 21

21 – 15 – 9

Power Clean

Lateral Barbell Burpee

C. 225/155, 135/95

S. 185/ 135, 115/75

F. 155/105, 95/65