Noah Bridges
Noah is from Clinton, Mississippi where he’s lived his whole life before obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Oklahoma. He is currently a PhD student at NC State in Operations Research, a degree that he hopes to leverage to develop decision-support systems for healthcare providers. Noah has been a CrossFit athlete since December 2012 and coached CrossFit since 2017. He has also competed on a CrossFit Games Semifinals team twice, in both 2021 and 2023. Besides CrossFit, Noah swam competitively for 10 years as well. Outside of the gym (and school), he loves reading science fiction and in-depth biographies, as well as putting way too much time and energy into brewing coffee. Noah moved to Raleigh in the summer of 2023 with his wife, Savannah, who also attends 12th State regularly.
- CF-L1
- CF-L2
- CF-L3
- CF-Gymnastics
- Burgner Weightlifting L1
- Adaptive and Inclusive (ATA) Certification
- Movement and Mobility Coach 102 (Ready State)
- 2-time CrossFit Games Semi-Finals athlete (team)