Train with Purpose. Train with Intensity. Train for longevity.
Training with purpose means understanding the program’s goals and benchmarks, and selecting the training path that best meets your own personal goals. Click here to read more about which pathway might be best for you. If you still have questions, talk to one of our coaches and they will be happy to help you.
Training with intensity means bringing your best effort every day, allowing yourself to be pushed, and understanding that it takes hard work and commitment to see a consistent improvement in your fitness level.
Training for longevity means that we must consider the long term when deciding what we do in the gym every day. It means focusing on proper technique, mobility / flexibility, nutrition, and hydration. It means having an understanding that a positive attitude and the right mental approach are essential to enduring success.
September 16 to November 3 (6 weeks):
Our next programming cycle begins on September 16th and will last 6 weeks ending on November 3rd. This cycle is dedicated to improving our Olympic lifting technique and Olympic lifting pulling strength. On top of our focus on Olympic lifting, we will spend time working on gymnastic efficiency and capacity. Lifting technique will be prioritized on Mondays and strength work prioritized on Fridays. We will focus on one lift a week starting with the Clean and Jerk and alternate between that and the Snatch each week for 6 weeks. Each week athletes will have the opportunity to build to a heavy lift as well as practice various gymnastic elements. With that in mind, this cycle will not end with a single max out day.
Goals of the cycle are:
- Develop confidence in our Olympic lifting technique
- Improve Olympic lifting pulling position and strength from the floor
- Establish confidence with heavy squat loads in both the front squat and back squat
- Improve efficiency in push and pull gymnastic movements
- Build gymnastic capacity in push and pull movements under fatigue
1 Rep Max Snatch *
1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk *
* both built into the cycle
*For benchmarks, it is recommended that you record your results in Wodify, as these metrics will be repeated. Benchmarks are a way for you to assess your progress and monitor improvements. If you miss a benchmark day, feel free to come in during open gym time and make it up.
Weekly Flow:
Monday: Mondays will be geared toward Olympic lifting technique. Athletes can expect to stay light on these days and focus on drills to enhance our understanding of the lifts and positions during these lifts. We will alternate weeks between the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Our metcons will follow the design of classic CrossFit couplets and triplets. Because technique will be our focus, we will stay away from programming Olympic lifting in the metcons.
Tuesday: Tuesdays will have a gymnastic focus. We hope to take the strict pull up strength from this past cycle and build capacity in our kipping pulling movements. Along with building capacity in pulling movements, our athletes will have the opportunity to develop confidence in the pushing movements of push-ups, dips, handstand push-ups and handstand walking. Our metcons will follow suit with a gymnastic focus as we pivot away from the barbell on Tuesdays.
Wednesday: Wednesdays will focus on building confidence under heavy squat percentages. We will follow the same pattern of alternating that we do on Monday. On weeks we Clean and Jerk we will Front Squat and on weeks that we Snatch we will Back Squat. There will be increased opportunity to hit some extra squatting each week. Extra squatting will be programmed on Saturday to supplement getting stronger during this cycle.
Our Metcons will consist of EMOMs and we will focus on the opposite lift that we see on Monday. This will give us an opportunity to touch both Olympic movements each week. These emoms will allow us to put our technique to practice in a controlled Metcon setting.
Thursday: Endurance work will be the focus with a combination of rowing, running, biking, double-unders, and light weights to keep you moving and build cardiovascular stamina.
Friday: Friday’s will be all about lifting for Comp and Sport. For our fitness folks, we will have just as much fitness to enjoy. The day will consist of three 8 minute sections with a 2 minute rest between. Focusing on Monday’s technique work, we will build to a heavy lift in 8 minutes. Athletes will practice lifting a percentage of that heavy lift for 8 minutes. Finally, we will cap the day off with some pulling from the floor for the final 8 minutes. Our focus will be to establish strong positions and confidence off the floor. Fitness will have two AMRAP 8s that will sandwich 8 minutes of lifting. Fitness will join our comp and sport for their middle section. Expect 28 minutes of work every Friday of this cycle!
Saturday: Workouts with both a partner and solo option will continue as previously programmed. With the addition of extra squatting programmed as mentioned in the Wednesday notes
Feel free to reach out if you have questions about programming. Enjoy this cycle!
- Head Coach Whitney Gelin
August 19 to September 15 (4 weeks):
Our next programming cycle begins on August 19 and will end on September 15th. During this cycle we will take a break from a weekly set cycle as coaches on staff participate in daily programming. While we won’t be following a traditional cycle, we will focus on carrying the skills and strength from our past cycle into our programmed workouts.
The goals of the cycle are:
- Lift heavy once a week
- Incorporate one long 30 + metcon once a week
- Continue to practice gymnastic capacity at a fatigued state
- Enjoy workouts programmed by other coaches on staff
July 8th to August 19 (6 weeks):
July 8th and will end on August 19th. This cycle will feature a large focus on Olympic lifting technique and gymnastics capacity. It will consist of 5 working weeks and 1 max out week.
The goals of the cycle are:
- Continue to build a strong overhead position
- Improve Olympic lifting technique in the snatch and clean
- Increase pulling strength from the floor (deadlift)
- Improved strength with gymnastics movements (pull ups, HSPU, muscle ups)
- 1 Rep Max Snatch
- 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
- 1 Rep Max Bench Press
- Diane
*For benchmarks, it is recommended that you record your results in Wodify, as these metrics will be repeated. Benchmarks are a way for you to assess your progress and see improvements. If you miss a benchmark day, feel free to come in during open gym time and make it up.
Monday: Snatch
We will kick off the week with Snatch technique. After drilling some positional work from the ground up in our last cycle, this time we will focus on the top-down progression from the hang position and then to the floor. There will be a big push to help our athletes develop confidence in our overhead positions. For that reason, expect to see Overhead Squats and similar movements during the met cons on Monday. Those met cons will consist of classic CrossFit couplets and triplets.
Tuesday: Gymnastics Pull
On Tuesdays, we will take a break from barbell and focus on pulling gymnastics. Athletes will have the opportunity to follow a progression that should lead them to more consistent movements or their first of a new goal movement. Met cons will also be sans barbell.
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk
Focus will be on putting our Clean and Jerk together, following the same top-down progression we are following with our Snatch. Over 5 weeks of work, we will build to a 1RM Clean and Jerk. Expect sprint met cons with time domains of 5 – 8 minutes.
Thursday: Endurance work will be the focus with a combination of rowing, running, biking, double-unders, and light weights to keep you moving and build cardiovascular stamina.
Friday: Bench Press, Deadlift, and Gymnastics Push!
On Fridays, we will bench press and deadlift before finishing the day off with some gymnastics push practice. Every week, a 29 minute running clock will be sectioned off into 90 second intervals for six sets of bench press, six sets of deadlifts, and 6 sets of gymnastic push practice with 1 minute of rest in-between each movement. The push gymnastic concept will be similar to our Tuesday programming. Athletes will have the opportunity to follow a progression that should lead them to more consistent movements or their first of a new goal movement. For our athletes that want more of a fitness approach, we will have a long mover programmed.
Saturday: Workouts with both a partner and solo option will be featured.